

我们为什么 | 我们的工作人员 | 常见问题



Welcome to your spot at 电子游戏试玩! We are thrilled that you have chosen to become a Sycamore and we look forward to welcoming you to the neighborhood over the next four years.


It's our job to create a sense of home for you, 并帮助你学习, excel, 像人一样成长, 作为学生, 作为年轻的电子游戏试玩人士. We also want to make sure that your living environment is safe and comfortable and helps to support your academic success. As part of our commitment to you, we promise to:

  •     To role model a passion for community living and the development of you as a student.
  •     To demonstrate at all times ethical and professional behavior in our work with you.
  •     To show strong financial stewardship of the resources you have provided us through your 食物和住房 美元.
  •     To be responsive to the needs of our community through the sharing of timely information, 开放的沟通, 渴望倾听反馈, an openness to make changes based on your feedback.
  •     To communicate our expectations for living in our community to you as a student, 给你们的父母和家人, 以及我们自己的教职员工.
  •     努力营造一个温馨的氛围, 包容, supportive community where all members of our community are celebrated. We promise to be advocates and allies in the important work of overcoming barriers and oppression to create a more 包容 and just global society.
  •     To develop mutually beneficial relationships with our campus partners that lead to opportunities to connect what you are learning inside the classroom with your lives outside the classroom.
  •     To promote sustainable behaviors around the triple bottom line (social justice, 环境可持续性, 和财务可持续性).
  •     To regularly assess and evaluate our programs and services in an effort to continuously improve our program and services.



  •     Take responsibility and ownership for your own experience.
  •     To strive to be successful academically, personally, professionally.
  •     致你的社区成员.
  •     认识到, 尊重, 接受, appreciate individual rights and differences in people, 的想法, 文化, 和身份.
  •     探索你自己的自我意识.
  •     To be civil in your communication and to work out differences in a manner that demonstrates 尊重 for yourself and the person with whom you are having a conflict.



Please contact any 住宅生活 team member if you have any questions or concerns. 我们的首要任务是支持您的成功.




Through living in community together at 电子游戏试玩, 学生将探索, 实践, 作为一个积极参与的世界公民.


Connecting people by providing quality residential facilities, service, learning opportunities

Connecting people by providing quality residential facilities, services, learning opportunities.


We provide residential communiteies where 学生 live with purpose, 从经验中学习, 正直的领导

We provide residential communities where 学生 live with purpose, 从经验中学习, 正直的领导.

Inclusion, sustainability, social awareness, live-ling learning, innovation, engagement, well-being

值: Inclusion | Sustainability | Social Awareness | Life-Long 学习 | Innovation | Engagement | Well-being





The mission of the RA is to create a welcoming and 包容 community for all residents living in their building community. Being an RA involves building personal connections, getting to know your community and being there for them as a resource. The RA is also responsible for supporting department curriculum initiatives, 调解冲突, 辅助楼宇安全, 前台工作, serving on the student 工作人员 on-call rotation, assisting with building administrative tasks and duties, 伴随着持续的培训, 和更多的.


The mission of the Social Justice Educator is to create educational opportunities in partnership with our residential community that foster self-exploration, facilitate conversations across difference and support actions that create social change on campus. The position requires a strong commitment to the principles of and action for social justice. The SJE is responsible for the implementations of residential curriculum, supporting and developing initiatives for 包容 excellence, 帮助调解冲突和分歧, 前台工作, serving on the student 工作人员 on-call rotation, assisting with building administrative tasks and duties, 伴随着持续的培训, 和更多的.



The 电子游戏试玩 (ISU) Office of 住宅生活 Student Desk 工作人员 includes Student Desk Managers (DM) and Student Desk Attendants (DA) as members of the department. They work in a residence hall or apartment setting and are collectively supervised by the Assistant Director of Desk Operations or work in the central 住宅生活事务处 under the supervision of the 住宅生活事务处 Coordinator. The role of the desk 工作人员 is to support student success with great customer service to residents, 学生, 教师, 工作人员, 以及所有来访的客人.  另外, all desk 工作人员 will support the departmental educational priority to support the growth and development of 学生 in the areas of Self-Efficacy, 包容的卓越, Professional Success within the residential communities. The Desk 工作人员 positions convey to residents the philosophy and policies of the Office of 住宅生活 and 电子游戏试玩, 同时也帮助代表声音, 个人成长, success of 学生 to the administration. The following are basic expectations of the Desk 工作人员.



电子邮件: ResLife@sh-fyz.com
工作时间:周一至周五上午8:00.m. 到下午4:30.m.
社交:@IndstateResLife on 脸谱网, 推特, Instagram